Eugene Sign Haiku Pt 3: Lust Drags You Down To Hell, Interstate 5 Frontage Rd

Eat nutritious meals, Exercise, get lots of rest, Lust drags you to Hell

Eat nutritious meals

Exercise, get lots of rest...

Lust drags you to Hell

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For more Eugene Sign Haiku:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 4

Eugene Sign Haiku Pt 2: Jesus Saved A Spot For You, Organ Harvest Church, Fox Hollow Rd

Have fun while we can, Headin' for that lonesome ground, Let the good times roll!

Have fun while we can

Headin' for that lonesome ground...

Let the good times roll!
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For more Eugene Sign Haiku:

Eugene Sign Haiku Pt 1: "I Love Rocks" Store, Oak St

Feldspar, quartz, fossils

Granite, metamorphic gneiss...

It's true - I love rocks!
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For more Eugene Sign Haiku: